Friday, 26 February 2016

Intolerance - 2

Intolerance. This is hot topic of the day. Thanks to the TV discussion, the people who don't know the meaning of this word must have become aware of the context in which this word has become ubiquitous. 

All we know, history is dominated by the ruler and not by the subjects. Needless to mention that the history which was written during the era of Mugal rulers or the British rulers was definitely dominated by rulers of those era. It cannot be said that the Mugals and the British rulers were dead honest in their approach and they had not tampered with past Indian cultures and ethos. My personal opinion is that they must have tried to replace the old Indian culture by their own culture. What I mean to say is that during the 400 years of foreign rule in India , the past Indian values and culture were trampled and in place thereof the culture of the rulers put. If the past Indian culture has survived, it is because of shear its strength and deep roots. 

After independence, we inherited three kind of cultures: the past Indian culture, the culture of the Mugals and English cultures. After independence, no efforts were made to fathom, find and revive our old cultures. No efforts were made to test the efficacy the our old rich cultures. Instead, we continue to promote the English culture. After independence, we adopted such a system which did not conform to mind of the large section of the society. The large section of the society are believers in a particular religion. After independence, this section of people are mocked, their gods and goddesses are freely mocked and caricatured by a class of intellectuals, artists, writers. Such selfish intellectuals, artists, and writers who have not in any made any contribution to strengthening the Indian people have been suppressing the feelings of the largest segment of this country in the name of freedom of expression. No freedom of expression can be justified if any expression hurts the feelings of large number of people. These pseudo intellectuals, writers and artists have been promoted since independence. They have occupied the pivotal position since independence. I think, these pseudo intellectuals, writers and artists having showing intolerance right before the last general election. 

By now, when Diwali is declared as holiday in USA, Diwali is celebrated in Kanada, mantrochar is taking place in US, Yoga is acquiring the prominent place in the world, such people are trying to tarnish the image of our country in tandem with some foreign based anti-nationals. These people exhibiting intolerance towards the large section of our country who try to attain our past glory and become torch bearers for the world. In my view, the people such as those who have returned awards using the stray instances in the country and those who support such people are really showing intolerance towards the largest section of our country who have been feeling alienated so far.

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